Tuesday, November 15, 2011

a little intro to describe a huge madness of a curious

A CURIOUS kid who is OFFICIALLY no more KID ,according to Standards of human civilization i.e what the records suggest.Just to share the inherent curiosity and expressing the discoveries I Find or found I choose this venue called www.blogger.com

Maniac ,Obsessed or passionate ,what ever the word you choose , it can give you a clue about my romance with exploring new dimensions of life ,world and things  .Launching this blog with the hope that Folks like me ,can see and feel new dimensions or perspective and If that inspire them ,they can dive into ocean of their own imagination.At first its just a BLOG with the wish of going too far in winning the lost hearts .With the belief this JOURNEY will be enriching ,Let me BEGIN .............


  1. Thank you and congratulations you are first to comment.

  2. Wish you great of luck Amber Ghaffar.by the way why you have taken out B and E from your name in about me part .Amber is not that bad ,AMR is cool but why not amber .
